Check out the story of the
American Computer Company. While most serious Ufologists believe this story is nothing
more then a publicity stunt for a fledgling company, many still feel it is quite valid, if
not totally accurate. The interesting thing is, that if it was a publicity stunt, it failed miserably. The company did not gain a single thing from this venture. If fact if anything, it made their situation worse. Did they not expect just that to happen? It is still a very interesting piece that does state many facts that can and were corroborated. |
Here is the list of technological breakthroughs,
that are said to either be a direct result of re-engineering, or at the very least helped
human science get over the hump. The simple fact is, that if you look at our technological
advances in the last 50 years, it is utterly staggering. We have had more sudden
technological advance in the past 50 years, they we had in the previous thousand. You can
not find a time in history, when such significant leaps in technical developments can so
closely be strung together. Fiber Optics: Described by numerous witnesses at the crash site itself, as glass wires with beams of light emitting from the end. Lasers: While light amplification was on the drawing board in very crude forms, it is obvious that there was a great leap in the technology years before there should have been. Integrated circuit chips: I essence "solid-state". The vacuum tubes had been pushed to their absolute max. They were becoming way too big, and scientists could not figure out how to shrink them. Then virtually out of nowhere the "solid-state" era was born. Everything at your finger tips right now, can be traced right back to Roswell, and it's not even that far of a stretch. Super-tenacity fibers: This was the "stuff" that was supposed to have influenced many modern man made materials. Used popularly in clothes today, and even in the NASA space suits. Kevlar: One of the biggest life saving devices on the planet for law enforcement officials everywhere, the "bullet proof vest". Made of the finest Kevlar, is not like any material known to man prior to that "gray area of technological advancements" era. Stealth technology: Of course the well known Stealth technology directly a result of testing at Area-51 itself. Points directly to that option, and many even say the F-117 itself is a virtual replica of the recovered alien craft. |