- 1.)And Thoth said: 'O
Lord of the gods! The Winged Measurer has returned in the great Winged Disk, shining with
many colors'
2.)The gods in cloud-borne chariots, came into view the
scene so fair...bright celestial Disk in concourse sailed upon the cloudless sky
- 3.)Religious legends of pre Inca people state that
the universe was inhabited by 'gods' and celestial beings who arrived on Earth from the
Pleiades. In Bolivia, near Lake Titicaca, are the ruins of the megalithic city of
Tiahuanacu. Many of the city walls were constructed from blocks that weigh 60 tons which
were further reinforced by metal clamps.Legends relate how it was built in one night by
mysterious bearded white men who were giants from Taurus, the constellation of the
Pleiades. They are also believed to have descended from the clouds and to have had sexual
intercourse with Inca women.
- 4.)Ancient Sumerian records tell of gods descending
from the stars and fertilizing their ancestors. This interbreeding of gods from heaven and
women from earth is supposed to have produced the first men upon earth. The native
inhabitants of Malekula, in the New Hebrides believe that the first race of men were
direct descendants of the sons of heaven.
- 5.)The Incas held that they were the descendants of
the 'sons of the Sun.'...Some of the South Sea islanders trace their ancestry to one of
the gods of heaven, who visited them in an enormous gleaming egg.
- 6.)From India comes the Mahabharata and other
ancient Sanskrit texts, which tell of 'gods' begetting children with women of earth, and
how these children inherited the 'supernatural' skills and learning of their fathers. A
similar mythology is found in the Epic of Gilgamesh, where we read of 'watchers' from
outer space coming to planet Earth.
- 7.)Egyptian legends tell of Tep Zepi, or the First
Time, an age when sky gods came down to Earth, raised the land up from under mud and
water, flew through the air in flying 'boats'.
- 8.)The profit EZEKIEL saw four beings of human
appearance emerge from a wheel of bronze
- 9.)In ancient china fire breathing dragons were
seen followed by men descending in airships.
- 10.)The Egyptian sun god ra was said to rise out of
the water in a silver egg.The Egyptians also claimed that ra was the creator of man.
- 11.)The biblical abraham in his childhood said that
he saw a great light in the sky.And he hid in his tent and four beings not of human origin
took him up in a whirl wind.Then abraham said I could see all the earth and all living
creatures and I wish I could fall back down.
- 12.)Thousands of years ago, Emperor Huang-ti
reigned over a highly advanced Chinese civilization, now buried deep in the shadows of
history. Huang-ti's political and military feats were quite remarkable, but the bizarre
tales of his life and origins lead to an intriguing idea: That Huang-ti was not merely an
exceptional emperor, but an extraterrestrial as well.Numerous sources relate that Huang-ti
manufactured and used "miraculous tripods" which were made in the "likeness
of the Great Infinite," Tao, the concealed engine of the Universe. The
"tripods" were used to store knowledge and data and were capable of moving
themselves about. The legends of ancient China say that the "tripods" depicted
"dragons, flying in the clouds." At the end of his reign, one of these
"dragons" carried Huang-ti and his colleagues back to their home in the
constellation Syuan Yuan -- the constellation we know as Leo. The "tripods" were
always pointed in the direction of Syuan Yuan, which contains the star Regulus -- a radio
source that emits signals in metric wave.
- 13.)Sand paintings by the Dogon people of Mali in West
Africa reflect their conviction that they were visited in ancient times by
extraterrestrial teachers. The Dogon claim that alien beings came to Earth from the star
Sirius many thousands of years ago. The Dogon have no modern Astronomical equipment, but
possess a detailed knowledge of Astronomy. They say they learned this from the Aliens. For
centuries the Dogon have been able to locate the star Sirius in the night sky. They also
claim that it is orbited by two stars that are not visible to the naked eye. The existence
of one of the stars was established in the mid 19th Century. If the second star is
discovered, it will be impressive evidence of the Dogon' myths