- WHITE ROCK - Four major UFO sightings occurred in
Surrey Corridor on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 21 to 23, 1999. Tom Zytaruk reports
North Delta resident Graham Conway, president of UFO*BC, is quite impressed with the
number of unexplained sightings. This is a fine collection of good eye witness
stuff." A man reportedly ran into the Ocean Beach pub about 10:00 PM Friday,
"stuttering like mad" that he'd seen a huge blue plasma ball cruising over
Semiahmoo Bay. "He said it was monstrous," said UFO tracker Bill Oliver, of
Guildford. "He was rattled big time." Whatever it was cast such a bright light
it lit up the sea beneath and "apparently acted in an intelligent manner," said
- Three South Surrey residents claim to have seen a
huge boomerang-shaped object with eight lights on front, at about 10 PM. Shaking with
fear, they watched it move "very, very slowly" for about eight seconds before it
took off. About five minutes after that siting two persons were standing on White Rock
pier when they claim to have seen a wedge-shaped object 'a flying triangle' traveling
below the tree level. They watched it for about three or four minutes as it headed across
the bay, away from White Rock. Then on Sunday, about 10:15 PM, Jen Pieschel and her
boyfriend Kevin Pearce saw a wedge-shaped object flying over Highway 99, near the Crescent
Road turnoff. They saw it had blue and red flashing lights, and then spotted an amber
flash, like a flare, from a second craft. "We saw something weird," Pieschel
said. Thanks to UFO*BC hotline, CAUS, and Surrey Now 5/25/99.
- AUSTRALIA -- Barry Taylor writes that he has
interviewed people in Northern New South Wales (Grafton, Lismore, Coffs Harbor and Tweed
Heads) that have seen these objects drop 'sparks' while they were over water. One local
lady saw one drop 'sparks' in a vacant block of ground next to them. If they were doing it
like 'dripping wax' it would happen as they fly along at any time over houses, shops and
roads. But, the craft have mainly been dropping 'sparks' over water.
- If this is what it appears to be, than they would
have to have some recollection as to where the water is. When I saw the one near my place,
the creek is very narrow. If their intention was to drop the 'sparks' into that creek,
than they would have to have some means of aiming while they were still on the move. The
'sparks' were ejected out in a quick 'burst' when over the creek. It appeared to me, as if
it was their intention to do just that. Others have seen them drop 'sparks' into the
Clarence and Tweed Rivers. In the past, there have been major fish kills and Algae blooms
in both these Rivers.
- I am not suggesting that the UFO 'seeding' has
caused this, for I would rather contend that the UFO 'seeding' was an attempt to 'repair'
the river system of its pollution. That their intention (Agenda) was to repair our
environment for us. After all, we are 'killing' this Planet aren't we? If this is for
real, than they could be 'seeding' something into the water. Perhaps alien microbes or
something similar. Lets assume the 'sparks' were biological. They are dropped into rivers
and stagnant water ways where mosquitoes breed. The mosquito larva could feed on these
genetically formulated microbes that were carried to animals or humans when blood was
transferred. The mosquito bite could infect animals or humans with some virus or
genetically engineered genes to alter the reproductive system. The 'sparks' could be
bacteria that purifies our water, meaning they are trying to fix it. Water evaporates and
falls as rain onto our crops and eventually becomes our drinking water. Some microbes
could be spread great distances this way. What ever they are doing, it appears deliberate
and calculated. Thanks to Barry Taylor stingray@nor.com.au,
- http://www.nor.com.au/users/stingray/
- NEWARK -- Lafayette Robert Ward writes, "On
March 7, 1999, Looking out my living room window I sometimes watch the jets flying near
Newark Airport at 11:32 to 11:35 AM. My eyes were fixed on a particular jet climbing out
of Newark Airport to the north then turning west over the Interstate 280. To my amazement
I saw a round and silver metallic UFO appear beneath the commercial jet. I pulled up the
window to get a clearer view. Then another identical craft appeared, both moving east.
- What seemed more strange was how the craft were able
to pass so close under the commercial jet without any wobbling effect. Then I noticed a
strange flashing strobe light on top or near the top of the craft. These are not like the
lights you see flashing on a jet or a helicopter. The two UFOs maneuvered slowly and
silently probing and just observing our daily activities and routine. They did not seem to
present any type of danger to the commercial aircraft. The sides of the two UFOs had a
cylinder bell shape, but flat on the top. They were a black metallic color. I watched them
fly over the Mutual Benefit Life building in downtown Newark.
- Suddenly a bright light was emitted from one craft
towards me. Although it may have been a reflection from the sun off the surface of the
craft, I felt a ray of warmth for a second or two. I felt it might be a sign or signal
that they knew I was watching them. As far as I can tell the UFOs were heading west.
Perhaps there has been other reports to confirm my sighting? I felt I witnessed the
existence and the reality of those marvelous and Divine craft controlled by highly
intelligent beings from another solar system, world or dimension. Now I know how the
Messiah disciples felt for the first time when they looked up and saw a strange and
marvelous divine machine hovering above them. Thanks to Lafayette Robert Ward.